If you would like to volunteer please contact the Parish Office at 360-629-3737 or secretary@saintccc.org
You can complete the online form and someone will contact you. Please CLICK HERE to complete the Volunteer Online Form.
- Altar Servers
- Coffee And Doughnut Social Volunteers
- Collection Counters
- Elementary Faith Formation
- Eucharistic Ministers of St. Cecilia Parish
- The Gathering Place
- The Giving Bin
- Grief Ministry
- Jr. High And High School Faith Formation
- Knights Of Columbus
- Ministry Of Ushers/Greeters
- RCIA (The Rite Of Christian Initiation Of Adults)
- Rosary Makers
- The Sacristan Ministry
- Society Of Saint Vincent De Paul
- St. Cecilia Wedding Coordinators
- Stanwood Camano Respect Human Life
- Welcome Committee
- Women's Guild