Ministry Groups

Altar Servers

The primary role of the altar server is to assist the priest in the celebration of the liturgy during Mass. This is done through specific actions and by setting an example to the congregation by active participation in the liturgy (hymns, responses, etc.), by looking alert and sitting or standing at the appropriate times.

Servers carry the cross, the processional candle(s), hold the book for the priest celebrant when he is not at the altar, carry the incense and censer, present the bread, wine, and water to the priest during the preparation of the gifts or assist him when he receives the gifts from the people, wash the hands of the priest, assist the priest celebrant and deacon as necessary.

Altar servers must attend every Mass that they have been scheduled. When a server cannot be present, they must arrange for a replacement.

Altar servers are on duty from the time they enter the sanctuary at the start of Mass until they finish cleanup after the end of Mass. During the Mass their duty station is the sanctuary, and a server may not leave the sanctuary except as directed by a priest, deacon or bodily necessity.

Altar servers must have received First Reconciliation and Holy Communion. To begin this ministry, servers need to be at least in the 4th grade.

Please contact the parish office at 360-629-3737 or email
Coffee and Doughnut Social Volunteers

Coffee and Doughnut social volunteers volunteer 1 Sunday every other month, or less if more people sign up. Volunteers pick up doughnuts from Hagen bakery, they are pre-ordered and boxed ready for pick up by 7:30 am. Set up includes making coffee and juice, cutting the doughnuts in half, and setting out cups, napkins, coffee condiments. This can be completed by two people in about 20 minutes. After mass enjoy the social time with your parish family then clean-up. This includes emptying trash, cleaning tables, washing any dishes used and cleaning up the kitchen to as good or better than you found it. Clean up is usually completed by 11:00 depending on your choice of cups (Styrofoam/glass) and social time attendance.

Any question call, text Sharon Dobson 425-530-2148 or email

Collection Counters

The Collection Counter assists on Tuesday’s or Thursday’s on the accurate counting of weekly and special collections for the parish. The team must consist of at least two people. Confidentiality and discretion is imperative to the safety and security of the collection counters, staff and the parish.


·Opens, sorts, and counts all weekly collection donations (cash and checks) according to established procedures. · Separates church envelopes from loose checks and cash. · Sorts and separate all offerings according to category (offertory, building fund, Share Life, etc.). · Count and record the cash and checks utilizing the tally sheet for both loose and envelope users. · Count loose coins. · Ensures the amounts noted on the face of the envelope agree with the contents by indicating an appropriate check mark and always indicating the amount when the donor has not noted it. · Makes every effort to ensure accuracy in the counting and recording donation amount on envelope. · Sums up all sheets for a total mass collection. · Duplicates tally sheets. · Complete the bank deposit form. · Ensures that the deposit is properly secured. · Return all forms and equipment to their proper location. · Advises the team leader or the coordinator if unable to make scheduled counting shift. · Maintains strict confidentiality concerning all finances, information and matters related to this ministry.

Please contact Tammy Geubelle 360-629-3737 or email

Elementary Faith Formation

Faith Formation is a Parish program which prepares our youth for the Sacraments of First Reconciliation and First Holy Communion. The program also offers basic religious knowledge and continuing faith formation for children in grades Pre-K through 5th grade. Classes begin the last Wednesday of September and take place on Wednesday afternoons, from 4:00 to 5:00 pm through mid-May.

How can you help Faith Formation?
A Catechist (teacher) is a caring individual who is willing to volunteer and share their love of God, their faith and their time with our young people. They are not theologians, but they are committed to their own growth as Catholic adults. Class time and lesson preparation take approximately 2-4 hours a week. The curriculum is set for each class. An Aide is a helpful individual that attends class each week, and who shares the responsibility for planning the sessions and presenting the lessons. An aide is a kind, responsible individual who is willing to assist the catechist in the classroom with duties such as taking attendance, passing out supplies, assisting with projects, etc.

A Hall Monitor welcomes families as they arrive. They monitor and walk the halls before, during and after class, especially observant of entrances, restrooms, and isolated areas. They also collect attendance folders, take children from classrooms to the restroom and back, plus collects all snack trays from the classrooms. It is a once-a-month commitment.

Requirements for the Faith Formation Ministry:
*Must be a registered parishioner at St. Cecilia Catholic Church.
*A desire to work with our parish children and help them to grow in their Catholic faith.
*Must complete all necessary documents and must have cleared a criminal background check. Please note, this is required of all volunteers.
*Successful completion of The Safe Environment Training and Policies, which is required by the Archdiocese of Seattle for any and all individuals working with and/or volunteering with children.
If you feel called to this Ministry, please contact the Parish Office at (360) 629-4425 or e-mail Alexandra Shipley


Eucharistic Ministers of St. Cecilia Parish

Give them some food yourselves – Mark 6:37a

Our St. Cecilia Parish depends on Eucharistic Ministers. They are integral to the sacramental sharing that is the highlight of the Mass. You can participate more actively with the gift of the Eucharist by becoming a Eucharistic Minister. You will be serving God and your community but most of all, you will be strengthening your own faith.

Christ makes us all worthy by inviting us to His table. You can enjoy this privilege by sharing His holy gifts with others

Required: Be a Baptized and Confirmed Catholic

What to expect: ▲Training will be provided. ▲You are scheduled to serve only one mass each month.

▲Flexible scheduling during holidays and vacations. ▲This is a volunteer position, and we appreciate any help that you can provide. No obligation!

What are the benefits of being a Eucharistic Minister? Being able to serve your church, community and Pastor. ▲Strengthen your own faith. Become a member of a Wonderful, Dedicated and Supportive Team of Eucharistic Ministers.

What is holding you back from committing? Am I worthy? ▲We are All Invited by Christ to share in the Eucharistic Sacrament. ▲I do not have previous experience…We all started as beginners. ▲Training is provided and will require only about an hour of your time.

We have openings for all masses: Saturday 5:00 pm, Sunday 9:00 am & 11:00 am

Please consider sharing your gifts to our ministry. If you have any questions or would like more information please contact

Leonard Dietlin (EM Coordinator) at cell (425) 238-5052 or email

The Gathering Place

Why? There are many in our community in need. Some may be poor, some lonely or lost and some looking for spiritual guidance. Some may even come to pick up a free book or two which are brought by another volunteer. All who come to eat are fed without cost and without question.

What? The Gathering Place is a soup kitchen open to the public that started over 10 years ago by a St. Cecilia’s parishioner along with a few other church’s youth group leaders as an ecumenical community effort. Every week, one church hosts the meal. The ministry has grown from 10 or 15 people served each week to over 85 in the last decade.

Who? Currently about a dozen wonderful, fun-loving and dedicated men and women offer their time seven times each year or when they are available. Typically, only 4-5 volunteers are needed to prepare the meal, serve and clean up.

Where? We gather to cook a hearty meal around 4pm in the well-equipped kitchen at Our Savior’s Lutheran Church in Stanwood. St. Cecilia’s Church funds the meal expenses planned, purchased, prepared, and served by volunteer members of our church.

Our Savior’s Church’s address is:

27201 99th Ave NW, Stanwood

When? St. Cecilia’s Church cooks every other month – about 7 times per year - typically on the second Thursday of the month. Dinner is served from 5:30-6:30. The cooks clean up and plan the following meal. Thanksgiving Day is an ecumenical cooking event where representatives from all 10 area churches come together to plan and prepare the special meal for the holiday.

For more specific questions, contact Patti Hanson (organizer) at 360-420-3023


St. Cecilia’s Giving Bin for the Homeless is a ministry for people who are experiencing very hard times. Small items are given to them that are traveling size that can fit in a backpack...such as socks, gloves, hats toothbrushes, toothpaste, floss, small containers of shampoo and conditioner, handwipes, etc. These things are distributed to various outreach programs such as our local Stanwood/Camano Food Bank and Caring House, the Friendship Houses in Mt. Vernon, the Cocoon House in Everett...just to name a few. Occasionally they are handed directly to someone in passing.

“Whatever you do to the least of these little ones, you did it to me.” (Author Unknown)

If you would like to know more or help out, please contact the parish office at 350-629-3737.


Grief comes in many forms, and grief comes for many reasons. We have all likely experienced some kind of grief in our lifetime. The St. Cecilia Parish Grief Ministry was instituted with the mission that “…. no member of our faith community grieves alone.”  Our goal is to provide comfort through our “listening presence.”

Members of the Grief Ministry will be available in the social hall after all the services to provide information and talk with anyone who is interested in either joining the Grief Ministry or who might be in need of the care and compassion offered by the Grief Ministry.

Please stop by to talk. We are excited about new aspects of our Grief Ministry and the support and participation of Father Raymond. For additional information, please pick up a Grief Ministry brochure or contact Joan Love, coordinator, at 360-387-4577 or

Jr. High and High School Faith Formation

Jr. High and High School Faith Formation students meet from 6:00 to 7:30 p.m. on Wednesday nights, September through May. These programs are for youth in grades 6 – 12. Each class begins with a prayer service in the church and then students go  downstairs for their class. 

This year in October the Jr. High students will be able to attend a Jr. High Retreat at Camp Don Bosco with other Catholic youth. They also have the Jr. High Rally which is an Archdiocesan event. They also can participate in the Youth Food Fast here at St. Cecilia’s.

The High School Catholic Youth Convention in Puyallup is for High School students in grades 9 to 12. This is a two-day event in early November with great music, catholic speakers, classes, Adoration and Mass. Catholic Youth from all over the Archdiocese attend the Youth Convention. Special speakers, Apologetics, Mission Committee, Youth Council, Food Fast and more are all a part of High School Faith Formation.

Catechists, Classroom Aides and High School Teachers are needed each year for these programs. If you would like to help, please contact Karen Boespflug, Youth Minister. (See above)

You can sign up for these programs today! It’s easy: 

Fill out a form on-line at or stop and ask for a form from the Parish Office or contact Alexandra Shipley, Youth Minister at 360-629-4425. You can also e-mail her at:

Knights of Columbus

Our Local Knights of Columbus Council #8476 has a regular program of activities that will interest most Catholic men. Your participation as Knight in these activities will benefit you, your family, your Church, the Community, and our Deacon Donald F. Hanika Council #8476. As Knights, our goal is to emphasize the Main Principles of the Order, Charity, Unity, Fraternity and Patriotism. We invite you to help in accomplishing these goals. Some of the activities of the local Knights Council are listed in this pamphlet.

It is our wish & the wish of our Founder, Fr. Michael J. McGivney that all Catholic men would join the Order. The Church & the Order needs you & your support to help us Brothers make this a better World.

Won’t you join us & walk together hand in hand with this the World’s largest Catholic, Fraternal Brotherhood to display ourselves to the Church & the Community at large, by our presence & good charitable works?

There are applications in the Information Station in the foyer of the church or you may contact Tom Hembree

Ministry of Ushers/Greeters

Ushers are more than doorkeepers. They are a warm welcome and gentle courtesy to those who gather.

The three duties of an Usher/Greeter are:

¨ Welcoming all people at the front doors with a smile, a sincere greeting, and a bulletin. Ushers set the mood for the Mass.

¨ Assist in the communal action by taking up the collection, recruiting gift bearers to take up the gifts, instructing the faithful who take the gifts to the altar and directing the communion procession.

¨ At the end of Mass, the ushers are responsible to inspect the pews and straighten up so that the church is ready for the next service.

Ushers are normally scheduled to serve one Mass a month.

Please contact the Parish Office at 360-629-3737.

(The rite of Christian initiation of adults)

The Catholic Church always welcomes new members into its community. The Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults (RCIA) is a process through which adults learn about the teachings of Jesus as the Catholic Church has handed them on and put these teachings into practice by living as part of the Catholic community, serving others, and praying.

RCIA is for three groups of people

Those who have never been baptized in any faith,

People who were baptized in another Christian faith, and

Baptized Catholics who have never received the Sacraments of Confirmation and Eucharist.

What is the process?
1. The process begins with several weeks of inquiry and instruction, during which interested individuals can learn the core beliefs of the Catholic Church, sacraments and rituals, and basic church history. This is a time when inquirers ask a lot of questions of the RCIA team members and class speakers. After this initial period, participants are asked to affirm their decision to continue the conversion process.
2. Next is an extended period of weekly classes and other activities designed to involve participants in the church community. This period allows participants the opportunity to examine their commitment to the process through regular attendance at classes, participation in community service events and involvement in other parish activities.
3. For those committed, the next step is an intense period of prayer and reflection during the season of Lent leading to the sacraments of Baptism, Eucharist and Confirmation which is conferred at the Easter Vigil.
4. The process is completed in a period of reflection and prayer during the Easter season in which the newly baptized and/or confirmed Catholics can further their faith formation.

Ministries of RCIA
Because the RCIA is a gradual process that takes place within the community, the primary minister of the RCIA is the community itself.

All the people of God share the responsibility for supporting those on this journey of faith. There are a number of ways the members of the community exercise their ministry: hospitality and a welcoming spirit, sharing one’s own journey of faith, praying for those on the RCIA journey, and a full, conscious and active participation in the weekly liturgy and the special liturgical rites.

Specialized Ministries

There are specialized ministries within the RCIA: sponsors, catechists, Breaking Open the Word leaders and a hospitality minister.

Sponsors are chosen from the community for those embarking on this journey of faith. Sponsors serve as their companions on the journey, sharing their own faith and offering support, as they grow closer to God and to the community. Sponsors need to be at least 16 and have been confirmed.

Catechists aid in the ongoing formation through weekly teaching from the United States Catholic Catechism for Adults. Catechists share the Church’s teachings on various topics and witness to their own faith and insights gained through prayer, reflection, and the study of Scripture.

Breaking Open the Word sessions begin after the Rite of Acceptance and Welcome. BOTW leaders, along with the catechumens, are dismissed by the priest after the homily. This adult leads the group into a deeper reflection on the Scriptures and homily just proclaimed.

The RCIA Hospitality Minister provides an atmosphere of hospitality to the Inquiry meetings by preparing the room and refreshments for the sessions.

Please contact Alexandra Shipley at 360-939-0847 or email her at,

Rosary Makers

The Purpose of our Rosary Makers is to have rosaries available at any time for anyone who needs a rosary.

We also make rosaries for the missions. We will also teach anyone who wants to learn how to make rosaries.

Please contact Carolyn Hall at 360-652-7397.

The Sacristan Ministry

Welcome to the Sacristan Ministry! We hope you find this to be a very rewarding and meaningful ministry and enjoy making our liturgies go as smoothly as possible for our fellow parishioners. Below is a list of frequently asked questions regarding the sacristan ministry as well as the contact information for the coordinator of the sacristans should you have any additional questions? We hope that you will prayerfully consider joining our ministry!

What does a sacristan do?
As Sacristan, we have three main roles: Security– (of the sacristy and most importantly, the Eucharist), Mass Set Up and Clean Up, and Mass Coordinator. You will serve all three roles each time you are a Sacristan, though some of the roles may play a bigger part than others, depending on the mass. Below is a brief explanation of each role:
Tabernacle IHS: Jesus Christ

Security: We are responsible for assuring proper treatment of the Holy Species, namely that of the Sacred Blood and Blessed Sacrament during and after the celebration. We are also responsible for keeping the Holy Tabernacle secure.

Mass set up and clean up vary slightly depending on the individual mass and presider. At every mass, you are responsible for setting up for both Liturgy of the Word and Liturgy of the Eucharist which means preparing all the books, vessels, offertory, and incense when appropriate.

As mass coordinator, a sacristan also assists the presider with whatever details/duties he needs done. The sacristan will check to make sure the altar servers are ready and in place as well as making sure the assigned Readers and key Extraordinary Ministers are present and ready to serve.

If you are interest in becoming a Sacristan please contact me,

Leonard Dietlin at cell (425) 238-5052 or email


The Society of Saint Vincent de Paul (SVDP) is a service-oriented ministry that reaches out a helping hand to assist people in need and help them resolve their needs. SVDP is an international organization that was started in France in 1833 and reached the shores of the United States in 1845. SVDP has 800,000 members located in about 140 countries. Our Conference has approximately 27 dedicated members. We provide material and social assistance, in cooperation with numerous local agencies and churches, to people in need. Our assistance spans helping people with rent, utilities, housing assistance, gas, food, clothing, and other forms of assistance that people may need. Although our efforts help people, your Vincentians perform this work to spread hope, love, and charity to people in need – putting their faith into action! Generally, people in need call for assistance. We respond by sending people to meet with our clients and finding out how we can be of need. We normally offer to pray with our clients and then work on resolving their specific needs as soon as practical. In the Gospel of Matthew 25:35‐40 Jesus said: “’For I was hungry, and you gave me food, I was thirsty and you gave me drink, a stranger and you welcomed me, naked and you clothed me, ill and you cared for me, in prison and you visited me.’ Then the righteous will answer him and say, ‘Lord, when did we see you hungry and feed you, or thirsty and give you drink? When did we see you a stranger and welcome you, or naked and clothe you? When did we see you ill or in prison, and visit you?’ And the king will say to them in reply, ‘Amen, I say to you, whatever you did for one of these least brothers of mine, you did for me.’ Please consider joining us in our efforts to put our faith into action. If you work and have a career, no problem! We meet 2 x a month after the 9a.m. Mass.

Please contact Mary Ann C. Kmetz 360-387-1324


As wedding coordinators, we meet with the Bride and Groom to determine their needs, their wishes for the ceremony and the processions, while using the church.

We guide the wedding rehearsal and prepare the church for the wedding.
We act as a facilitator to match the needs of the couple with the traditions of the faith.
Coordinator spots are currently filled, but we encourage anyone interested in filling openings as they occur to contact the Parish Office and give them your name and contact information to forward to the active contact person.

Parish Office 360-629-3737

Stanwood Camano Respect for Human Life

We serve and unify the pro-life community in Washington as the premier consultants on the life issue, functioning as the hub of the pro-life movement in Washington state.

We instruct and model best practices and lessons learned from the history of the pro-life movement.

As courageous models of love with joy of life, pursuing the hardened heart, relying on the best available science, we influence hearts and minds to value the dignity of the human person, which saves lives now and the future generations.

For more information, please contact Jim Pavlicek at 360-926-5114.


Our church is asking us to be filled with the spirit of evangelization. What better way than to welcome strangers in our midst?

Newly registered parishioners are contacted by the Welcome Committee. We bring them information and hospitality on behalf of the parish.

If you can spare some time to join this committee, contact Mary Ann Kmetz at 360-387-1324.


Every woman registered at St. Cecilia's is invited to become a member of the Women's Guild. We currently meet the third Thursday of every month at 10:30am - but you do not have to attend to be active. Dues of $10/year make you an active member, but we always appreciate willing hands. Please join us today and share your contact information. We hope to have an email newsletter set up soon to keep everyone informed about our ministries and future plans.

Our current ministries are:

Clean altar linens, robes, and cloths
Funeral food and kitchen service
First Communion reception
Annual Baby Shower to support Pregnancy Choices
Summer sanctuary flowers and arrangements
Giving bin for the homeless
Prayer shawls for parishioners in spiritual need
Please contact Kary Michaelis at (425) 350-0643

If you would like to volunteer please contact the Parish Office at 360-629-3737 or

You can complete the online form and someone will contact you. Please CLICK HERE to complete the Volunteer Online Form.

  • Altar Servers
  • Coffee And Doughnut Social Volunteers
  • Collection Counters 
  • Elementary Faith    Formation                               
  • Eucharistic Ministers of St. Cecilia Parish
  • The Gathering Place 
  • The Giving Bin
  • Grief Ministry
  • Jr. High And High School Faith Formation
  • Knights Of Columbus
  • Ministry Of   Ushers/Greeters​​​​​​​
  • RCIA (The Rite Of Christian Initiation Of Adults)
  • Rosary Makers
  • The Sacristan Ministry
  • Society Of Saint Vincent De Paul
  • St. Cecilia Wedding Coordinators
  • Stanwood Camano Respect Human Life
  • Welcome Committee
  • Women's Guild

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