Artwork of St Cecilia by Nichole Lanthier.
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St. Cecilia Parish, a community of followers of Jesus, nourished by the Word of God and the Sacraments, is called to proclaim the Good News to the community, and to serve those in need. We strive to do this by listening, prayer and sharing.
St. Cecilia's Parish Mission Statement
If you have moved or changed any of your contact information, please let the Parish Office know about it, so we have the most current information.
As Catholics we are called to take concrete measures to overcome the misunderstanding, ignorance, competition, and fear that stand in the way of genuinely welcoming the stranger in our midst and enjoying the communion that is our destiny as Children of God.
Welcoming the Stranger Among Us: Unity in Diversity, A Statement of the U.S. Catholic Bishops
For daily readings and updates please visit: or
For St. James Cathedral for spiritual information and activity ideas to do with children on their "Kids Page"